I am responsible for data monetisation through analytics and research in the FNB Commercial and Public Sector Banking segments. As a regular public speaker on Data Science, Behavioural Finance and Entrepreneurship, I am able to combine multi-disciplinary approaches in meeting objectives that benefit companies and the broader society.
I have been admitted as a Fellow to the SA Institute of Financial Markets, a category reserved for those who have made a significant contribution to the running of financial markets and/or the development of its participants. I am also a Member of the Royal Society of South Africa.
As an Associate Professor of Behavioural Finance and Financial Data Science at Wits, I am able to bridge the gap between theory and practice. I am the Editor-in-Chief for the South African Journal of Economics and Management Sciences (SAJEMS), an Editor for Cogent Economics and Finance and an Associate Editor for Springer Nature Business & Economics.
Specialities: Behavioural Finance, Data Science, Thought Leadership
Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=gNbIKp8AAAAJ&hl=en
Wits: https://www.wits.ac.za/staff/academic-a-z-listing/s/yudhvirseetharamwitsacza/